In the vibrant heart of Los Angeles, the North American Spine Society's (NASS) annual conference played host to a groundbreaking revelation in the realm of spine surgery. Against this backdrop,, a renowned platform for Med-Tech Innovation Reports and journalism sponsored by Ghost Productions Inc., conducted an exclusive interview with Dan McPhillips, the Director of Enabling Technologies and Market Development at Captiva Spine. Captiva Spine, a prominent medical device company, is generating ripples of excitement with its revolutionary WatchTower™ Spine Navigation and Robotics System.'s mission, centered on delivering cutting-edge insights into the world of health and medicine, came to life at NASS 2023 when they sat down with Dan McPhillips to explore the remarkable advantages that the WatchTower™ system offers both medical practitioners and patients.
The WatchTower™ Spine Navigation and Robotics System has emerged as a game-changer in the field of spine surgery. It seamlessly integrates pre-operative CT scans with 2D imaging through an advanced algorithm, producing real-time 3D images of the patient's spine during surgery. This groundbreaking technology eliminates the need for intraoperative 3D imaging for registration, significantly reducing operational time and radiation exposure for both patients and medical staff. Simultaneously, it enhances the safety and efficiency of spine surgeries.
In describing the system, Dan McPhillips noted, "This is the WatchTower navigation system. What makes WatchTower unique is its use of a 2D registration method to provide 3D navigation. In an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) setting, there's no need to invest in an intraoperative CT scanner or perform an open exposure to capture an image of the spine for registration. WatchTower solves the problem economically by eliminating the need for a CT scanner while still allowing for percutaneous procedures. It's faster, more cost-effective, and significantly more compact than any other system available."
The WatchTower™ system is ideally suited for surgical groups or community-based hospitals seeking to provide advanced navigation for spinal procedures without the financial burden of a costly intraoperative CT scanner. This innovative system opens doors for facilities with budget constraints, allowing them to offer state-of-the-art navigation to their patients at a more reasonable cost.
When questioned about potential competitors, McPhillips confidently stated, "I don't see any direct competitors. I consider us to be peerless at the moment. While the navigation technology itself may not be drastically different from others on the market, what truly sets WatchTower apart is its registration process in the operating room. There's no other system that can register a CT scan for a spine procedure without relying on touch registration or an intraoperative CT scan."
The simplicity of the WatchTower™ system extends to its training process. McPhillips explained, "Anyone can do it. It's a straightforward image recognition software. When you're ready to begin the case, load your CT scan, take an anterior-posterior (AP) and lateral x-ray, and simply match the CT scan to the x-ray. It's as easy as drag and drop."
Founded by Dale Mitchell 17 years ago, Captiva Spine has consistently been at the forefront of workhorse technologies in the medical industry. The company boasts a storied history of developing cervical plating, pedicle screws, cages, and more. The WatchTower™ system represents Captiva's latest offering, poised to become a necessity in the future of spine surgery.
As McPhillips succinctly put it, "Today, medical school graduates and fellows are committed to navigation. Companies that aren't entering the navigation market may not be viable for long."
Over its 35-year history, NASS has witnessed its fair share of challenges and triumphs. However, events like NASS 2023 continue to be pivotal for the spine surgery field. The WatchTower™ Spine Navigation and Robotics System, with its precision and radiation reduction capabilities, epitomize the progress that NASS fosters in the industry.
Captiva Spine's WatchTower™ Spine Navigation and Robotics System represents a monumental leap in spine surgery technology. Its indisputable benefits for both medical professionals and patients, combined with its simplicity and affordability, position it as a game-changer for surgical groups and hospitals alike. With no direct competitors, this innovation shines as a beacon of progress at events like NASS, pushing the boundaries of what's achievable in the field of spine surgery.
Ghost Productions is an award-winning medical media production company that can help you with custom medical animation and marketing services. We offer a wide array of digital representation services that can help anyone in the medical field improve their marketing, support patient communication efforts, or even streamline staff training. Our team is highly trained and has a great understanding of biomedical processes, so they can accurately represent your device or product in a 3D medical animation, or other types of illustrations you may be interested in. Contact Ghost Productions now and tell us more about how we can help you train your surgeons, sell more medical devices, or explain your pharmaceutical product.