Dermatology animation, a moving visualization of the medical specialty which focuses on the skin, and the treatment of skin diseases and skin disorders.
Skin is the human body’s largest organ and we’ve animated and explained a significant number of skin conditions and treatments, including 3D skin animations for acne care, medical device animation for laser treatments, cosmetic surgery, and everything in-between. We can help assist with all of your medical device marketing need’s for your cosmetic products such as Botox® injections, dermabrasion, noninvasive energy devices, plastic surgery video animations, and much more.
Ghost Productions can craft medical illustrations to explain how medications treat skin conditions or fully animated productions to help increase patient understanding or assure proper training of practitioners and medical providers. A fully interactive eLearning program can be accessed from anywhere around the globe to help sales representatives adhere to guidelines and regulations.
If you’ve been in the medical field long, you’ve probably realized patients don’t always know what’s best for them. You can’t blame them — they’re often just scared or confused about their options. Now that you have access to quality wound-healing 3D skin animations, dermatology illustrations, plastic surgery video animations and other explanatory materials, you’ll be able to give them the peace of mind they need to select the most beneficial course of treatment.
The days of tired textbooks and endless flashcards are behind us now, a change welcomed by countless medical students. In the dermatological field, those in training can’t just memorize the information until they’ve scored highly enough on an exam. They must continually apply their knowledge in real-life applications, which is easier when learned from immersive and interactive content like 3D skin animation. They’ll even have a higher comprehension, by 19 percent, than traditional surgical videos allow.
You rely on your sales team, but they don’t always have the proper tools to understand what they’re selling. When you use 3D dermatology animations or plastic surgery video animations, they’ll better understand the anatomy your product affects and why it matters, bringing their newfound knowledge and passion to your customers.
At Ghost Productions, we’re committed to creating unique, compelling content for our clients to help them succeed in their market and medical field. We want you to have the final product you envision when it comes to your animations. No matter your application for our dermatology animations, you’ll find that we are able to provide the perfect solution.
We work to build ongoing relationships with our clients by providing:
We’ve been among the top medical animation studios for many years and have been hired by the top names in cosmetics, plastic surgery, and dermatology medicine to market their products — we look forward to helping you, too. Contact Ghost Productions right away to get started on your next dermatology illustration or 3D skin animation!
Dermatology Animation Case Study: Extracellular Matrix Animation for Hollister Wound Care
Mission: Create a visually compelling representation of a native ECM that is degraded from the inflammatory cycle. Then show the effect of using the Endoform ECM bandage to interrupt the inflammatory cycle and help a chronic wound heal.
Solution: Initial production focused on solving one of Hollister’s main education challenges, to help customers to comprehend the details of the inflammatory cycle; Establish the stages of the cycle, explaining the role of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) proteins. Then we wanted to show how the Endoform sacrificial extracellular matrix (ECM) helps draw away MMP’s, allowing the wound to retain new collagen fibers in the native ECM and help heal a chronic wound.
We met with a number of specialists to discuss how best to portray the collagen fibers and MMP’s. We settled on the triple coiled version in the final piece. We built a number of dynamic systems but found that a simple wire deformer and solid animation worked best. The modeling of the native ECM was also an interesting challenge. Our Maya Rigger, Jake Knight, developed a creative spline randomizer that we still use in our current animation pipeline.
We went on to produce a few versions of this animation for Hollister showing the wound granulating and a time-lapse showing the wound healing process over a couple weeks. The Endoform is a very effective answer to healing chronic wounds. We’re glad to have contributed to their marketing and education process and wish them the best in the future. The full version of the animation can be seen at their Endoform webpage:
Completed: February, 2013
Budget: ≈ $30,000-$35,000
Ghost Productions is an award-winning medical media production company that can help you with custom medical animation and marketing services. We offer a wide array of digital representation services that can help anyone in the medical field improve their marketing, support patient communication efforts, or even streamline staff training. Our team is highly trained and has a great understanding of biomedical processes, so they can accurately represent your device or product in a 3D medical animation, or other types of illustrations you may be interested in. Contact Ghost Productions now and tell us more about how we can help you train your surgeons, sell more medical devices, or explain your pharmaceutical product.